Sunday 14 October 2012

The Dordia, Omah Ndeso, Village Home

Looking for a quiet yet beautiful place for relaxing?
Need a place for gathering with your family or reunion with friends?
A place to recuperate from the heat and chaos of big cities?

The Dordia, Omah Ndeso just a short drive from Surabaya or Malang...  with the wooden traditional Indonesia's house are available for rent.

Surabaya terlalu panas untuk kumpul2 atau sekedar bersantai dengan keluarga dan teman?
Dengan jarak 1.5-2 jam dari Surabaya atau Malang, The Dordia, Omah Ndeso yang berlokasi di desa Claket, Kecamatan Pacet menyediakan rumah-rumah kayu dengan suasana pedesaan yang kental untuk disewa dengan atau tanpa menginap.

For inquiry:
Skype: dordia-claket

Thursday 11 October 2012

Surrounding Area - Lingkungan Sekitar The Dordia

The nearby attractions places to visit during your stay at The Dordia, Omah Ndeso:
Fishing ponds and restaurants....... Catch your own fish and ask the chef to cook for your lunch.
Dlundung Waterfall at Trawas

Mt. Bromo/Gunung Bromo, which is famous for its sunrise is located about 3hrs drive from Claket.

Pacet Mini Park,Trawas with hot spring, Taman Safari II, Tretes, Batu Night Spectacular/BNS , Jatim Park I atau Jatim Park II , Selecta, Malang city , or   Surabaya City, the capital of East Java, can  be reached with a short drive.

Lokasi beberapa tempat rekreasi terkenal dapat dicapai dengan naik mobil dengan jarak yang tidak terlalu jauh. antara lain: Taman Safari Indonesia, Tretes, Jatim Park, BNS, Selekta, Batu dan kota2 sekitarnya, Malang, juga Surabaya (link untuk tempat2 ini bisa dilihat di atas).
Air Terjun Dlundung di Trawas, Pemandian Air Panas, pemancingan ikan dan restauran dapat dicapai dalam waktu 10-15 menit naik kendaraan.

Kalau ingin melihat matahari terbit di Gunung Bromo, berangkat dari Claket sekitar tengah malam dan sampai di gunung Bromo dalam waktu sekitar 3 jam.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Foods, Snacks, Beverages

We can provide assorted yummy traditional Indonesian's meals and snacks during your stay with us.

Aneka makanan tradisional Indonesia dan makanan kecil tersedia sesuai dengan pilihan anda.

Tahu Telor .. Beancurd fried with egg with peanut sauce

"Kampong" Fried Rice complete with sunshine egg and fried chicken
 Nasi Goreng Kampung lengkap dengan telor dadar dan ayam goreng

Otak2, bebek goreng, nasi goreng,bihun goreng?

Half or Hard boiled eggs...
Telor rebus setengah matang atau matang...

Coffee or tea? Kopi atau teh? Milo?

Soto ayam....... Yellow chicken soup.

Nasi pecel komplit dengan tempe goreng, telor dadar dan rempeyek
Indonesian's salad with peanut sauce, complete with soyabean curd, sunshine egg and peanut crackers.
Banana with coconut milk aka Kolak pisang
Yellow rice .. nasi kuning .......

Makanan desa, ubi dan kacang tanah rebus
Enjoy Steam Sweet Potato and Peanuts

Jangan lodeh dengan tempe goreng dan ikan asin goreng
Young jackfruit cooked with coconut milk, served with soyabean curd and fried salted fish

Nasi goreng ruwet......
Fried rice mixed with noodles......

Activities - Aktivitas @ the Dordia, Omah Ndeso

Family Holiday

 Family Gathering
Friends Reunion


Photo Shooting

Thanksgiving party with friends and relatives


Just the two of us
Flying the kite

Enjoying God's creations

The cattles.

Learn about the vegetables direct from the farmers.

Traditional Javanese game, DAKON

Learning about the plants
Birthday celebration RelaxingBBQ of Corn, Sweet Potato..